Thursday, February 4, 2010

Taxes...yuck. A pretty kit...YUM!

The past 2 years, I've prepared our taxes using TurboTax. Everything was relatively simple, so I felt confident I wouldn't mess them up. But this year, with all the unemployment, job changes, and Mark working in another state, I thought I needed a professional. The lady who used to do ours sold out to Jackson Hewitt and the rates were outrageous! So a friend had suggested someone to me. So, I went this morning. I was gonna drop them off, but then we'd be at the mercy of "we'll get to them as we can"...meaning it could be months before we see our prepared return! So, I look around the waiting room at about 4 other patrons...waiting.... I signed my name to the bottom of the list and decided to wait along with them. Well, the waiting room was FREEZING cold! I read an entire Redbook magazine while my teeth were chattering. 2.5 hours later, I was still in the waiting room!!! These people don't realize I only have 3 hours, 2 mornings a week that I don't have kids!!! Wasting those hours REALLY makes me mad! So I left because I had to pick up kids. Then I decided I'd just do them myself again. So, I spent the time between when we got home and time to pick up H from school, filing our taxes. But they are DONE! AND we're getting a refund! I was worried with us having to withdraw some of Mark's 401k. So glad that's over with for another year!

Go check out this month's kit from Scrap-Friendzy at!!! Isn't it beee-u-ti-ful?!?!?! You want know you do! That's why you should run over and place your order before they get gone! Supplies are limited...HURRY!!!! :) You'll thank me for it!

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