Saturday, March 10, 2007

More updates

Went to the doc on Thursday--my appt was supposed to be at 12:15, but after waking up at 3 a.m. nauseous and my back hurting--and then vomiting and having diahrea--I called and got my appt moved up. Turns out it was probably just a touch of the stomach bug that's been going around. Luckily, it didn't last long! Harrison had it later that day--once vomiting and that was it. He never acted like he felt bad. So that was good! Just had to wash all the padding and stuff on his car seat, because of course, he did it in the car!

I did have a little change this week--I'm now 80% effaced and the baby's head is at 0 station now. Still 2 cm dialated. I asked the doc about getting off the bedrest and he said they had actually discussed letting me up some this week, but since I've been sick and had just a little change, he suggested I still lay low. Darn it! I was dehydrated a little too--probably from the stomach thing. Oh and I was having more contractions too--nothing regular though. Probably caused by being dehydrated. Although, I've been trying to drink more water, I'm still having about 1 an hour. That's more than I was having. Dare I post it--my weight was at 168--still not too bad since I started at 143 (I think!). So that's what? 25 lbs? Right on target for suggested weight gain--I've got a little over 5 more weeks to my actual due date and 1 lb a week would put me right on 30 lbs. I've definitely done better this time around in that regard. Oh, and the doc said I measured a little small, but that's probably because the baby is so low.

I'm gonna get Mark to take another pic of me today--I'll try to figure out how to post it here!

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Take it easy and take care of yourself!! We want a nice plump and healthy baby!! :)
