How LONG has it been since I updated this thing??? LOL!
Hold on...gotta go get the little guy out of bed...
So...lets see. What has happened in the last 2.5 months. I did make the DT for Moments Recorded. And I could've sworn I posted here about the August Challenges!!! Well, I'll post now...GO CHECK OUT THE AUGUST CHALLENGES AT MOMENTS RECORDED!!! I had a lot of fun with them...and let me tell ya...I just finished September's...OMG! FUN! FUN! FUN! If you like to think out of the box a little and use some stuff that one normally wouldn't use...check back for September!
DH went back to school. He already had his CDL driver's license but had never used it. Since unemployment was paying, he went back again. He took a job with a company that hauls flatbed...he HATED it! Quit after Week 5 of 7 weeks training. It wasn't the driving or even the being away from was making sure those loads were secured correctly...he just couldn't get comfy with it. So, that was a week and a half ago. He started putting in applications again on Wednesday. I'm just hoping he gets a job SOON! We are beyond broke! And I'm stressing!
We did get to enjoy a short trip to Myrtle Beach. My dad called last Friday evening and asked if we wanted to go to the beach THE NEXT DAY!!! YIKES! Of course I said yes, and immediately started running around here like a chicken with my head cut off...doing laundry and packing! We came home on Tuesday. It was nice to get away...even better that we only had to buy food and gas!
Harrison starts back to school next Tuesday!! I am sooo ready! LOL! We went last night and met his teacher...she's young and spunky...I think he's gonna like her. I had a hard time getting him to leave the classroom after meeting her and seeing his desk!
With all the stress of all that's been going on scrappin' mojo LEFT THE BUILDING! And just returned about 2 days ago! I'm hoping to take advantage of it being here and get lots done while I can! Off to get started on something that I can show you!